Grand Canyon
byEarl E. Gibson
If you have never been to the Grand Canyon, this is a place you have to see. You can look at pictures and videos of it your entire life and will not get the same exhilaration you feel when you are standing near the edge, looking out and over this massive crack in the world. Ok, so it is not a crack. It is actually a river valley that was formed by the Colorado river cutting through the ground over millions of years.
Now for some statistics. The Grand Canyon stretches 277 miles from end to end. The canyon floor is over a mile deep. There are Air Tours, Around the Rim Tours, Many trails to hike, including Rim to Rim hiking. Many types of accumulations from, Historic lodges, hotels to rugged campgrounds, the Grand Canyon has a wide range of places to stay.
As beautiful as this place is, you need to pay attention to where your feet are at all times. The average death toll at the Grand Canyon per year is 12. Most of those are people slipping off an edge and falling. Heat while hiking is another common cause. I know from experience, there are lot of places on the south rim that do not have railing. It is very easy to get to close if not paying close attention. With that being said, my wife asks one thing of me when we go to the canyon. That is to give her the car keys before I go off taking photos. That way she does not have to wait for them to recover my body before she can leave lol.